Tie Contract, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under the number 76592898,
visiting address: Molenmakersstraat 21, 1502 TB Zaandam, The Netherlands (, has drawn up these Privacy Policy.

It is our responsibility to protect your privacy. On this page you can read which data we collect when you visit our website, why we collect these data and how we improve your experience using our website based on these data.

This privacy policy applies to the services of https:// You must know that Tie Contract is not responsible for the privacy policy of other websites and other sources. By using our website you acknowledge to accept our privacy policy.

Tie Contract respects the privacy of all the visitors/users of its website and ensures that all personal information which you will give us, will be dealt with in a strict confidential manner.

How we use the collected data

Our Services

When you order one of our services/products then we will ask for personal data like name, address etc. These data will be used to execute your order. These data will be stored on a security server owned by Tie Contract or by a third party. We will not combine your personal data with other data.


When you send emails or other messages to us it will be possible that we will save these messages. Sometimes we will ask for your personal data when this is relevant. This enables us to answer your questions and requests. These data will be stored on a security server owned by Tie Contract or by a third party. We will not combine your personal data with other data.


We collect data for research to get a better insight in our clients in order to tailor our services/products.This website uses cookies. A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while the user is browsing the website. Every time the user loads the website, the browser sends the cookie back to the server to notify the website of the user's previous activity. This information gathered by the cookie will be stored on the security server of Tie Contract or by a third party. We use this information to see how you use the website and to make reports on website activity in order to offer you other services and products related to your activity on internet.


We collect and use this information for no other purposes than described in our private policy unless we have received your permission to do otherwise.

Third Parties

We will not provide your data to other parties. In some cases your data will be shared internally but our personnel signed a non disclosure contract to respect the confidentiality of your personal data.


This privacy policy is tuned to the current status of our website. Adjustments or changes on our website can lead to changes in the privacy policy. We advise you to read our privacy policy on a regular basis.

Personal Data Options

We offer all visitors the possibility to look at, to change or to delete all personal data which has been provided to us.

E-mail advertising if you subscribe to the newsletter

If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will regularly send you our e-mail newsletter based on your consent, using the data required or disclosed by you separately for this purpose.
You may unsubscribe from the newsletter service at any time. For this purpose, you can either send a message to the contact option specified below or use the opt-out link in the newsletter. Upon unsubscription, we will delete your email address unless you have expressly consented to the further use of your data or we reserve the right to further use your personal data in the scope and manner permitted by the law, of which we inform you in this notice.

Adjustments/Removal communication

If you would like to alter your personal data or to remove these from our files then you can contact us. See below for contact information.

Your rights

You are entitled to be obtain free-of-charge information concerning data stored about your person and, as the case may be, to correct, restrict the processing, enable the portability of, or delete those data.
If you have any questions about how we collect, process or use your personal data, want to enquire about, correct, block or delete your data, or withdraw any consents you have given, or opt-out of any particular data use, please contact us directly using the contact data provided in our site notice.
You may also submit a complaint to the responsible data protection supervisory authority.

Switch off cookies

Most browsers are set up to accept cookies but you can set up your browser to refuse cookies or to notify you when a cookie is being sent to you. It is however possible that some services and functions on our website and on other website do not function properly when you have switched off cookies on your browser.

Questions and Feedback

We check on a regular basis if we comply with the privacy policy. If you have questions about our privacy policy do contact us / our data controller:
Mrs. Golda
Phone number: (+31) 616 10 20 36
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